Dune: Part One remained the number one movie overseas in its second week. With both No Time to Die and...
On this week’s show, the Dune Talk crew are in a celebratory mood. Dune has crossed the $100 million mark...
We’re back for an extra Dune Talk show this week and excited to welcome special guest Jack Reda, from Future...
That’s right, one of us has seen the movie! Not surprisingly, the rest of the crew have lots of questions...
We’re so excited to bring you all this week’s Dune Talk show, the first episode following the movie’s domestic premiere!...
Our in-depth movie review sub-series continues on Dune Talk show. This week we’re joined by returning special guest Mark (from...
On this week’s Dune Talk show we’re celebrating the official announcement of Dune: Part Two, coming to theaters in October...
Our scene-by-scene breakdown of Dune: Part One continues on Dune Talk. On this week’s show we pick up from the...
This week on Dune Talk, we proceed deeper into our scene-by-scene movie review of Dune: Part One. The show picks...
On this penultimate part of our Dune: Part One movie review, on the Dune Talk show, we continue analyzing the...
On this week’s Dune Talk show we conclude our scene-by-scene breakdown of Dune: Part One. In-depth discussion picks up as...
Dune: Part One may have finally premiered across all planned territories, including Australia and New Zealand (on December 2nd), however...