In April 2015, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the world’s best-selling science-fiction novel, The Folio Society published their beautiful edition of...
The depiction of the Fremen in director Denis Villeneuve’s movies, Dune: Part One (2021) and Dune: Part Two (2024), may...
What if Lady Jessica had obeyed the Bene Gesserit and given birth to a daughter in Dune? How would the...
Welcome (back)! It’s been an incredible ride exploring the cinematic universe of Dune, and now we’re venturing into uncharted territory...
The identity of Lady Jessica’s mother is in fact addressed across various sources, including multiple Dune books and a screenplay....
There are a total of 16 digital special features now available through some streaming services, though only eight of those...
If you haven’t come across Dune: Part Two on your favorite digital store, this list will help get you started...
Even as the movie’s successful theatrical run continues—having grossed over $665M, after six weeks, at the worldwide box office—Denis Villeneuve’s...
One of the many changes in Denis Villeneuve’s Dune: Part Two movie was the complete lack of the Spacing Guild....
This episode is all about you, our viewers and listeners. The Dune Talk crew returns—after even more viewings of Dune:...
Dune: Imperium – Uprising is a new, standalone tabletop game from Dire Wolf. It builds on the company’s previously-released Dune:...
Frank Herbert’s Dune novel has been an inspiration for countless artists and musicians. Hans Zimmer’s awe-inspiring Dune: Part Two soundtrack...