The remarkable journey to bring Dune to the silver-screen spans over 50 years and has touched many countries throughout the...
Dune Talk is back for 2022! On this show, we welcome returning special guest Dr. Kara Kennedy—also known as the...
Happy holidays! For our final 2021 recording of Dune Talk show, we’re excited to bring you this exclusive interview, with...
With Dune already out in many European countries I couldn’t wait for it to be released in the U.K., so...
Now that the world premiere of Dune: Part One has taken place in Venice (September 3) and theatrical releases have...
The first Dune movie adaptation—directed by David Lynch and starring Kyle MacLachlan, Sting, and Francesca Annis—opened in theaters December 14,...
Gale Force Nine have revealed the official title and key visuals for their new board game to retailers. Now we’re...
In an exclusive interview, Secrets of Dune speaks with a lucky viewer who already watched Denis Villeneuve’s 2021 Dune movie!...
A test screening for the Dune movie (2021) took place October 28, 2020 at a Harkins Theatres venue in Tempe,...