In true Dune fashion, the closing episode of Dune: Prophecy focuses on the themes of human over machine, mind over...
The HBO Original drama series Dune: Prophecy, co-produced with Legendary Television, has been renewed for a second season. This announcement...
Conflicting loyalties emerge as the story heads toward a show-down between the Sisterhood and Desmond Hart. So far the show...
If you’ve been enjoying the sounds of HBO’s new Dune: Prophecy TV series, even more of its music is now streaming. The...
Moments of vulnerability unite the otherwise frenzied activity in episode 4 of Dune: Prophecy. Even Valya and Desmond Hart let...
Valya may seem like the more vengeful of the Harkonnen sisters, but this flashback-heavy third episode of HBO’s Dune: Prophecy...
The second episode of Dune: Prophecy brings the Sisterhood into fuller view by highlighting their core features, like loyalty and...
Dune: Prophecy’s first episode gives the political dimension of the Dune universe space to breathe. It takes time to explain...
If you’re enjoying the sounds of HBO’s new Dune: Prophecy TV series, you can now listen to its music anywhere....
With Dune: Prophecy almost upon us, let’s take a look at the cast of characters in this new TV series...
In exactly one month, a brand-new Dune story arrives on the small screen! HBO’s Dune: Prophecy TV series will begin...
Spice intake may be especially high for Dune fans next year. This morning at HBO and Max’s 2024 content slate...