Dune: Spice Wars, a real-time 4X strategy game published by Funcom and developed by Shiro Games, was revealed during The...
Spare a thought for game developers who adapt beloved franchises, for they have to do two jobs: please the fans...
On this special episode of Dune Talk show, we welcome two members of the team at Shiro Games—community lead James...
While open beta timelines for Dune: Awakening remain unknown, game developer Funcom hasn’t stayed quiet. This year they’ve continued to...
Computer games were part of my first introduction to the Dune universe. While the first game from Cryo was great,...
The Smugglers faction has been revealed as the third playable side in the 4X/RTS video game Dune: Spice Wars. Now,...
“You will never truly control, Dune.” A sentiment made absolutely clear in the newly released gameplay trailer for Dune: Spice...
Tonight at The Game Awards 2022, a new teaser trailer premiered for Dune: Awakening, showcasing the vastness of Arrakis and...
Video game developer Funcom, known for Conan Exiles and Secret World Legends, announced that they are partnering with Nukklear—creators behind...
We covered the announcement of Dune: Spice Wars at 2021’s The Game Awards just last week. Now further information on...
What if Lady Jessica had obeyed the Bene Gesserit and given birth to a daughter in Dune? How would the...
Plunge your fingers into the spice, grab a handful of Arrakis, and breathe; Dune: Spice Wars will soothe your real-time...