Video game developer Funcom, known for Conan Exiles and Secret World Legends, announced that they are partnering with Nukklear—creators behind...
Dune: Spice Wars, a real-time 4X strategy game published by Funcom and developed by Shiro Games, was revealed during The...
We covered the announcement of Dune: Spice Wars at 2021’s The Game Awards just last week. Now further information on...
“You will never truly control, Dune.” A sentiment made absolutely clear in the newly released gameplay trailer for Dune: Spice...
The Smugglers faction has been revealed as the third playable side in the 4X/RTS video game Dune: Spice Wars. Now,...
If you thought that there was a while to wait before the early access release of the new Dune: Spice...
Computer games were part of my first introduction to the Dune universe. While the first game from Cryo was great,...
Plunge your fingers into the spice, grab a handful of Arrakis, and breathe; Dune: Spice Wars will soothe your real-time...
On this special episode of Dune Talk show, we welcome two members of the team at Shiro Games—community lead James...
Funcom’s open world survival MMO game has officially been revealed! Dune: Awakening will offer the exciting prospect of exploring Arrakis,...
Tonight at The Game Awards 2022, a new teaser trailer premiered for Dune: Awakening, showcasing the vastness of Arrakis and...
While open beta timelines for Dune: Awakening remain unknown, game developer Funcom hasn’t stayed quiet. This year they’ve continued to...